Friday, 4 December 2009

A change is in the wind ....

Winter brings such lovely urges to cuddle up, hibernate, settle in, stock up.
And sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Yum.

But once I am properly rested I cannot wait to see and throw some snow, cook 'homely' recipes with the kids, get a tree, etc..

Contemplating the new year ahead hasn't even begun as the old is still here to be savored. I like that kind of thing ...... it's so easy....

The sweetest warmest moments get fractured though with my DD's newest hilarious observation - that a carrier bag with a hole in it and two oranges and one banana (poking out of said hole, all very specifically arranged, and described with hand gesticulations) apparently would look like male genitalia (she's 7 years old - should I book her a shrink now ?) ........ very concerned at this new-age lad'ette-ishness, yet also VERY glad she had the sense to whisper this at the Christmas Fair rather than yell it out !

Ah well - I can inflict my own sense of humour back on them when I force them to watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation with me, cuddled up on the sofa ! ..... They'll tolerate this; because there will be snacks !

... tis the season to be jolly ;?))

Recipes as well as comments please ...... especially those involving chorizo (I bought too much, at too good a price not to).



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