Something I have noticed at the school gate.
This might be just a S.W. London thing; our school is in an area that considers itself rather posh (...ahem...).
What is it with some people, that the level of professionalism they have had to adapt to, for them to have their hopefully rather splendid daytime career life, cannot seemingly be turned off.
It's as if they cannot bear the thought of being personable or personal or anything other than professional - and they even appear enjoy the opportunity to 'out professional' others around them, dealing more unemotionally and brusquely, but of course perfectly politely and professionally, with people that are just trying to be friendly or gain some human contact or ..... connection. That's what's missing - sincerity ! Ooooh the cold.
A friend of mine used the word 'despicable' to describe such people, and whilst that's rather an emotionally loaded word, it may have grip here.
It IS like talking to robots.
Some sort of evil this is - like a new shiny replacement for the 'holier than thou' chin-up'ness that actually had kudos back when folk gave a monkeys about religion.
Is it about insecurity - that they want to appear to have 'good standing' in the community ? Are they frightened someone is going to hug them .... in public !!! Arrgh ! Dirty dirty !!!
Pseuds ..... the lot of them ...
Bring back being personal, and treating people personably; spoil yourself, and have a relationship beyond officialdom and niceties, begin to feel .... breeeeeeathe - there you go; you feel better already don't you ?!?
Over and out, but please stay posted for my observations about how this applies to a stay at home daddy stuck precariously in amongst the mummies !