Thursday, 26 November 2009

2007 archives "The Past - a note ..."

This is an addendum to the archives of 2007.

If you happen to go back through the archives there is some whingeing and whining and not particularly attractive descriptions of my beloved partner's failings or my reactions (at the time I felt let down, as I am sure many mum's/women homemakers have at one point or another).

Her 'unreconstructed female misogynist behavior' is frequently brought up (it's a new, messy definition so there isn't a simple term yet, e.g. like 'pig' for men). We had two children a year apart - of course we were at each other's throats. She hit a mid-life crisis and career burn-out. I grew to hate the drudgery. Neither of us will ever be perfect (this blog would be a typed-out equivalent of a box-set of Enya CD's if we were) and if tired parenthood has brought me one bad thing, it is an unfortunate lack of tolerance .... I hate dealing with someone else's crap, but I'm working on it !

However, my angry grimace may be a permanent feature - the wind changed direction as I was pulling this face, so maybe we'll just have to get used to that. Grrrr....

Subsequently, at times I have felt like editing these 'yukky' bits out to make this all tamer, sweeter and more 'lovely', but it is in the past now, and actually happened. So it stays. I'd advise you don't read it if you're squeamish, and as it has been there for over two years, comments will be noted but I've moved on so please don't expect a dogfight.

So, if you are a woman reading the archives, especially one who has experienced abuse or just lack of support at the hands of the men in their relationships, then I would urge you to try and swap the 'male' for 'female' positions in those blog archives before flaming me. At the time offence was not my intention; a cry for empathy (at the injustice of it all) was. There are many worse forms of abuse, and I am not trying to equate my suffering to them. And if you do swap 'male' for 'female' you may just find it describes a classic 1950's Americana relationship ..... how amusingly retro ?!?

Later Peoples !

Andy O

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